RW Industrial Products

Based in Carlsbad, NM, RW Industrial Products has been in operation since 1993. We provide products to the oil and gas industry, as well as refineries, trucking companies, the mining industry, and several local businesses.

For our customers in the area surrounding Carlsbad, NM, we will deliver to your work site. We provide many standard items such as fittings, valves, instrumentation, tools, cleaning supplies, paper products, mining bits and drill steel. 

We’re proud to be a registered and approved vendor with the locally operated Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, providing many of their specialty items. We work closely with all our customers to resource and accommodate their need for materials. 

Give us a call at 575-887-7475 or stop by in person, at 108 E Blodgett St, in Carlsbad, NM, to visit us and learn more about how to become a customer today!